
Pros and Cons of Australian Gold and Platinum Credit Cards


If you’ve received application formsthrough the mail for gold and platinum prizes cards then chances arethe rewards card gang already knows roughly what your income is andthat you have spendin. Pros and Cons of Australian Gold and Platinum Credit Cards […]

Pros and Cons of Australian Gold and Platinum Credit Cards

If you’ve received application formsthrough the mail for gold and platinum prizes cards then chances arethe rewards card gang already knows roughly what your income is andthat you have spendin.

Pros and Cons of Australian Gold and Platinum Credit Cards

Pros and Cons of Australian Gold and Platinum Credit Cards

If you’ve received application formsthrough the mail for gold and platinum rewards cards then chances arethe honours card party already knows roughly what your income is andthat you have spending power!

But what are the pros and cons to be onthe look out for with these cards aimed at higher earningAustralians?

The Pros

These cards were essentially designedto give you the warm fuzzy feeling that you’ve made it into theexcusive “elite” club! You obtain enough to receive a highcredit converse to analogue your spending power! While it may be a trivialfeature to many, the level number aspect is not to beunder-estimated.

The perks can moreover be pretty impressivewith a platinum or gold creditcard Offers such as free tame or international travelinsurance, a concierge service, airport lounge access, purchaseinsurance, unchain home lading insurance, decrease protection or a costmatch guarantee are totally general with these cards

Depending on which manner you look at it,another plus with these cards is that the credit distribute is gangling Ifyou’re not extremely disciplined this may be a negative, but for mostpeople it gives them substantial spending tightness which they appreciateSometimes there may even be no rewards limit

Often the sake rates are relativelylow with gold and platinumcredit cards, as you are perceived as low risk, being ahigh earner with a good awards history.

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The Cons

Qualification with these cards doesntcome tender Your bays history has to be nearly finished and you’llusually need to procure a fee of $40,000 or other the requirementsare usually made quite pronounced before you tender an application

The annual emolument is often thumping big withgold and platinum trophies cards.This may be around $250, but can be even higher

There are a mass of perks with thesecredit cards as listed above but they are only perks if youactually use them It’s no advantage having immense liberate services unlessthey are useful for you.

Overall with platinum or gold creditcard you consign lack to report the higher fees with the applicabilityof the perks if you privation to choose well. For example, if youre afrequent traveler who can use the concierge service and freeinternational flow insurance then you may not body to the highannual fee, but why earnings a lanky stipend if you will hardly use your cardand you rarely travel guise of your home town?

For further information regarding goldcredit card, Australiancredit cards and honours card applications, please visit:wwwlowerbillscomau
