
New Luxury Branding Site Special for China


In 2009, most of the luxury brandings proffered an olive roost to China. In Paris, a new lattice site launched in 29th, Oct lets Chinas 1.3 billion family gawk French luxury, from designer clothing to diamond-dripping watches and glittering gold […]

New Luxury Branding Site Special for China

In 2009, most of the luxury brandings proffered an olive roost to China. In Paris, a new lattice site launched in 29th, Oct lets Chinas 1.3 billion family gawk French luxury, from designer clothing to diamond-dripping watches and glittering gold jewelry

New Luxury Branding Site Special for China

New Luxury Branding Site Special for China

In a copious ceremony at the Chinese embassys commercial sphere in Paris, the heads of Christian Dior, Chanel and dozens of fresh French labels eminent the launch of the site, www.cColbert.cnThe site, which is in Chinese, English and French, was developed by the Comite Colbert — a Paris-based organization that represents some 70 French brands — and Sina, China’s leading Internet provider, with some 260 million users.The site features lavish, 3-D photos of French luxury products, from designer clothes and jewelry to high-end hotels and restaurants The conviction is unbiased to whet consumers’ appetite for the pricey products and services, because the site does not allow for Internet purchases

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